We are a growing group of people gathered by Union Congregational Church who proudly affirm and celebrate that sacred love is inclusive of all creation and all people. We therefore commit to the following:
· Becoming good neighbors to the Native American people in our area.

· Taking regenerative care of our environment, particularly protecting the quality of our waters.

· Providing a safe and affirming place for our local LGBTQ community members.
We take on this mission mindful of our limited resources and energies but also hopeful that others
will join us in helping to fulfill our expanded mission. Please check us out!
We meet the second Wednesday of every month, 2 p.m. in the church library during the summer months.
If you have questions or would like more information please speak to either Pastor Torri, Sarah Cox or call the church. 
Thank you very much for your interest.

Fred Smith for the Justice Ministry Team